Meet Risa: CEO and co-founder of The Rescue Kit Company, professional wardrobe stylist, philanthropist, and dog mom extraordinaire. Risa has been clothing coordinated and fashion forward since about the age of two. Fun fact....Risa owns a rose gold karaoke microphone that she isn't afraid to use.

Meet Jessica: COO and co-founder of The Rescue Kit Company, former Occupational Therapist, boy (and dog) mom, and lover of trails (ski or running, doesn't much matter which). Fun fact...she used to steal all of Risa's amazing clothes when she wasn't looking.

Risa and Jessica come from a family of problem solvers. In 2018, Risa's biggest problem was that there was only one of her, and a million brides clamoring for her styling expertise! Faced with more weddings than she could physically be at, Risa realized the only option was to create a product that all brides could use to solve their own wedding day fashion emergencies, regardless of budget or access to a stylist.

Lovingly nicknamed "Risa's brain in a bag", The Bride Kit was born, filled with every tip, trick and tool necessary to bring peace of mind to brides on their wedding day. The sisters joined forces to set out to make the styling tools used by elite stylists (and their A-list clients!) accessible for everyone who gets dressed!! 

Co-founder and CEO of The Rescue Kit Company, Risa Kostis

Co-founder and CEO of The Rescue Kit Company, Risa Kostis

Co-founder and COO of The Rescue Kit Company, Jessica Zeldner

Co-founder and COO of The Rescue Kit Company, Jessica Zeldner